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Harrison flood

It was in the 1960s that Crooked Creek rampaged out of its banks and wiped out a big portion of the downtown area of Harrison, Arkansas. It was not only an important local story but a national one as well. Many people were without power and water for a number of days. From the disaster grew, however, a bigger and better Harrison.

Aunt's Creek tornado

In the early 1960s, a tornado hit the Aunt's Creek area on Table Rock Lake causing considerable damage. It was just one of several violent storms in the area during this period. Among those surveying the damage are Stone County Sheriff Tommy Walker and Ken Wildhaber of the new Missouri Boat Commission.

Traffic death

This photo pretty well tells the story of what this traffic accident is all about. Coroner Ralph Thieme, at right, was called to many such scenes as traffic, and thus accidents, grew.

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Updated March 25, 2004