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Who Was He

His Exploits

His Friends

Stage Credits

The Wild West

Sites To Visit



Theater poster


William F. Cody, after he became Buffalo Bill thanks to dime novels of the time, was "on stage" much of the rest of his life. He became the character portrayed in those dime novels.

His first public appearances as the character Buffalo Bill came during live theatrical performances, as illustrated by the poster at left.

Buffalo Bill as a Western Hero - A write-up about his stage play.

The scouts on stage - A photo of Wild Bill Hickok, Texas Jack Omahundru and Buffalo Bill as they looked during their brief stage career.

Wild West PosterHis most famous stage presence came during his appearances all over the world with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. For over 30 years it captivated audiences at home and abroad and did much to popularize the west and interest people in traveling and settling there.

Pay a visit to the Wild West Show

Movie posterCody also appeared in a number of movies and had even more movies made about his life.

He also, late in life, got into the business of making motion pictures depicting the way the West used to be.

A look at his movie career

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