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Bariloche, Argentina - Much like a Swiss village A cathedral window
The Bariloche cathedral
A key feature of Bariloche...which is very reminiscent of a Swiss village...is the large and beautiful cathedral. The stained glass window above tells the story of the early work of missionaries in the area.
A popular resort area in the area known as the Patagonia, he city fronts on the large, beautiful Lake Nahuel Huapi. The colorful houses (below) help give Bariloche an alpine flavor.
Bariloche houses A chocolate store
A major feature of the downtown area are the half dozen or so chocolate shops along the street - all of which offer visitors free samples.
The city square
Lending to the European atmosphere of Bariloche is a village center with a large clock tower. Several times a day the clock displays scenes from the city's history.
Climbing Campanario Mountain
From Bariloche visitors can drive to Campanario Mountain where you can take a ski lift to the 3400 foot summit for an outstanding view of the entire area. The mountain air, with a brisk wind, is very chilly.
The view from Campanario Mountain Llao Lloa Hotel
The Llao Lloa Hotel, with a long and often controversial past sites at the base of Campanario Mountain.
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