1981 |
Ronald Reagan becomes 40th president |
American hostages held in Iran released |
1982 |
Space shuttle Columbia completes first flight |
Barney Clark becomes first recipient of an artificial heart |
1985 |
Reagan and Gorbachiev have first U.S.-USSR summit in six years |
1986 |
Space shuttle Challenger explodes on lift-off killing all seven crew members |
AIDS reaches epidemic levels |
1987 |
Wall Street crashes with the Dow plummeting a record 508 points |
1988 |
Much of the U. S. suffers the worst drought in 50 years |
George Bush becomes the nation's 41st president |
U. S. Destroyer in the Gulf shoots down an Iranian airliner |
1989 |
The largest oil spill in history from the Exxon Valdez hits Alaska |
A large earthquake strikes San Francisco |
U. S. troops invade Panama |
1990 |
President Bush signs a bill barring discrimination against those with physical or mental disabilities |
Operation Desert Shield troops leave for the Gulf |
1991 |
Iraq is defeated by allied forces after takeover of Kuwait |
Unemployment is the highest since 1986 |