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A past strength, a future promise.

The strength of Springfield throughout the past 150 years has been its people. It was they who made the city what it has been, is now, and will make it what it will be.

Without their determination and stamina, the new town would not have gained its foothold and held on to grow into the modern community that it is today.

It was they who gave it its character which remains today: a friendly, rural community which has kept up with modem ways. It was they who saw to it that there was sensible growth by attracting that type of business and industry which would provide good jobs yet not take out of the environment those things which have made the city a good place in which to live. And it must be a good place in which to live because the number of those who have left and come back to live is phenomenal.

It will be the people, as well, who will direct Springfield's destiny into the 21st Century and beyond; deciding such questions as how big the city should become; what type of government services it needs; how much of personal time and talents they want to give to the continued success of the community; what legacies they want to leave the generations which come after.

Where now, Springfield? It's up to you.

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Page maintained by - Last updated March 14, 2001
Page maintained by - Last updated March 14, 2001